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An interesting web page which purports to show how images on Hoagland's
website were manipulated. In other words, someone took the
raw THEMIS data and did some simple manipulations in Photoshop to
produce "anomalies".
The web page makes an excuse that Hoagland was
hoaxed by someone else, but it does not preclude Hoagland having
altered the images. And if he was hoaxed, why did he not go and
find the raw images himself to check them?
Another website claiming Hoagland is less than honest. This one
is from someone I would characterize as a proponent of pseudoscience,
so it's rather ironic seeing him go after Hoagland. The biggest irony on
his page is the statement: "The big media in this country has [sic]
always been skeptic-friendly..." Please, tell that to Montel Williams,
Larry King (who both have had renowned "psychic"
Sylvia Brown
as a featured guest), the SciFi channel, and any station that has
aired the garbage from
James van Praagh and
John Edward.
Gary Posner's
devastating article, originally published in the CSICOP
"Skeptical Inquirer" magazine, where he details some of Hoagland's