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Servicing the Hubble Space Telescope
Week of February 10, 1997
Tonight, with any luck, the
Space Shuttle Discovery
will be launched at 3:56 a.m. Eastern Time. On board are seven
astronauts that will perform the second
Hubble Space Telescope
(HST) servicing mission. They are carrying with them two new scientific
that will open new windows on what we can see through the telescope.
One instrument is called the
Near Infrared Camera and Multiobject Spectrometer (NICMOS), which
will be able to take images and spectra in the infrared. One of the main
programs for NICMOS is to look for planets around nearby stars.
The other instrument is called the
Space Telescope
Imagine Spectrograph. Like NICMOS, it will take both images and
spectra, but in the ultraviolet. STIS will be looking at very hot
objects, like burned out stars called white dwarfs, and active
galaxies. Both instruments will be looking at
supernova 1987A. There are also plans for both
instruments to repeat the observations made in the
Hubble Deep
Field, which took images of galaxies that are farther away than have ever been
seen before. The Deep Field was done using visible light, but NICMOS
and STIS will look in the infrared and ultraviolet, to see how things
look different.
Also on board Discovery is a new data recorder, which will allow much
more data to be taken at the same time on HST, as well as a new Fine Guidance
Sensor, which helps the telescope track on its targets.
On a personal note, I am going to be at the launch to wish it well.
My current job is to analyze STIS data, so I am very excited
about this. When I get back I will scan in pictures from the launch
and link them from my homepage. Stay Tuned!